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월스트리트저널 읽기 - Bond Yields, Saudis, Russia Growth etc.

by 지구별자리 2023. 10. 7.



◈ Strong Hiring Sends Bond Yields Higher(강력한 고용은 채권 수익률을 높이다)



Surging U.S. job growth shattered investors’ expectations, the latest sign of accelerating economic momentum stoking a bond market selloff that is sending longer-term borrowing rates to new 16year highs.


Employers added 336,000 jobs in September, the strongest gain since January and up sharply from the prior month’s upwardly revised 227,000 gain, the Labor Department said Friday. Job growth was also stronger in July than previously estimated. Bond and stock prices fell sharply after the jobs report’s release, reflecting how economic strength reduces the likelihood that the economy is close to a recession that would trigger Fed rate cuts. Both markets later recovered, however.


The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note settled Friday at 4.783%, according to Tradeweb, compared with nearly 4.88% just after the jobs report was released and 4.715% at Thursday’s close. The S& P 500 jumped 1.2%.


◈ Saudis Willing to Raise Oil Output to Help Israel Deal(이스라엘 협상을 돕기 위해 석유 생산량을 늘릴 의향이 있는 사우디)



DUBAI—Saudi Arabia has told the White House it would be willing to boost oil production early next year if crude prices are high—a move aimed at winning goodwill in Congress for a deal in which the kingdom would recognize Israel and in return get a defense pact with Washington, Saudi and U.S. officials said.


That understanding is part of an effort to seal a three-way agreement that would also likely include U.S. nuclear assistance and represents a notable shift by Riyadh, which a year ago rebuffed a Biden administration request to help lower oil prices and fight inflation, severely straining relations.


Still, Saudi negotiators emphasized that market conditions would guide any action on production and officials familiar with the talks said the discussions didn’t represent a long-term agreement to cut prices.


◈ Military Spending Fortifies Russia Growth(군사비 지출이 러시아의 성장을 강화하다)



Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing the country’s economy for a long war in Ukraine.


Military spending and war-related expenditures have already fueled much of Russia’s economic growth this year, helping the country weather the impact of Western sanctions.


Next year, the government plans to increase military spending even more. Outlays will rise by more than two-thirds to a post-Soviet record of more than $100 billion, according to data from Russia’s Ministry of Finance. Military spending will hover at more than twice prewar levels until at least 2026, the current budget- planning horizon. Putin has placed a long-term bet that focusing the economy more squarely on the war will allow Russia to withstand a protracted conflict better than Kyiv and its West-ern backers.


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