반응형 월스트리트저널36 월스트리트저널 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 구독 추천(2023.9.14) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2023 ◈ Higher Fuel and Labor Costs Put Dent in Corporate Profits(연료비와 인건비 상승으로 기업 이익에 타격) Energy and labor costs are cutting further into some corporate profits, in the latest sign that inflationary forces continue to course through industries, pressure executives and worry Wall Street. American Airlines cut on Wednesday its quarterly profit forecast, citing surging jet f.. 2023. 9. 15. 월스트리트저널 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 구독 추천(2023.9.13) WEDESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 ◈ More Baby Boomers Become Homeless(더 많은 베이비붐 세대가 노숙자가 된다) NAPLES, Fla.—Judy Schroeder was living a stable retirement in this affluent Florida enclave. Then her apartment building was sold to a new owner during the pandemic and she lost her part-time job working at a family-owned liquor store. What followed was a swift descent into homelessness. Faced with a rent inc.. 2023. 9. 13. 월스트리트저널 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL 구독 추천(2023.9.12) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 ◈ Rosier Economic View Fails to Boost Biden(장밋빛 경제관은 바이든을 지지하지 못한다) Voters have a slightly rosier view of the economy now that inflation is easing. Few are giving President Biden credit for the improvement. That is the takeaway from the latest Wall Street Journal poll and other surveys that show Americans’ outlook has brightened in recent months. Democrats and indepen.. 2023. 9. 13. 월스트리트저널 구독 추천 - Trade Slump, Instacart IPO, Bitcoin ETF etc. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 ◈ Corporate Earnings Estimates Edge Up Wall Street expects corporate earnings to rebound after three quarters of year-over-year declines, a development that could put the stock market’s faltering rally on firmer footing. When the next reporting season kicks off in earnest in October, analysts estimate that companies in the S& P 500 will show profits inched up 0.5%, hel.. 2023. 9. 11. 월스트리트저널 구독 추천 - Coca-Cola, Tiny Bank's Financial , Tech etc. SATURDAY/SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9-10, 2023 ◈ House Prices on Rise Again in U.S. Home prices aren't falling anymore. After declining on a year-over year basis for five consecutive months -the longest run of declines in 11 years - U.S. home prices rose in July. The surprisingly quick recovery suggests that the residential real-estate downturn is turning out to be shorter and shallower than many housing.. 2023. 9. 10. 월스트리트저널 구독 추천 - Walmart, Apple, Samsung etc. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2023 ◈ Employers' Health-Plan Costs to Swell Health-insurance costs are climbing at the steepest rate in years, with some projecting the biggest increase in more than a decade will wallop businesses and their workers in 2024. Costs for employer coverage are expected to surge around 6.5% for 2024, according to major benefits consulting firms Mercer and Willis Towers Watson, w.. 2023. 9. 9. 이전 1 2 다음 반응형